Here are the quotes from Dave Vanderburg:
Hello hunters!
The mysterious island that has slowly been floating towards the Rodentia region now holds a new hunting location for Lord and Lady MouseHunters: the Seasonal Garden!
To access the island, you'll first have to find a way past Zugzwang's pet octopus, Bubbles, who is very protective of the island and will grant safe passage only to his master. Finding an article of clothing that once belonged to Zugzwang may be the key to getting past him. One of Zugzwang's favourite pastimes was researching the rare and dangerous mice of the Tribal Isles, so try starting your search there.
The Seasonal Garden is enchanted by Zugzwang's Magic, making it a hunting area like no other. In this garden, the season, and types of mice you can catch, change every few days. Upon entering the garden you'll notice a new element on your heads-up display indicating the current season in the garden, along with a stat called your "Tower Amplifier". The amplifier is a power bonus that is applied to your trap when you hunt inside Zugzwang's Tower. Catching mice in the Seasonal Garden will increase your amplifier in different increments, depending on the type of mouse you catch. Failing to attract a mouse will cause some of your amplifier's charge to be lost.

Larry suspects it may take hunters some time to discover the key and gain access to the tower. Keep your eyes on the news section for more details about the tower once hunters get closer to discovering the key.
Something new on your camp page:
A trap effectiveness statistic has been added under your trap on the camp page. Your effectiveness rating is determined by your ability to both attract and catch a mouse in your current location, with your current trap setup. The effectiveness of your trap is gauged as mild, medium or strong.
Clicking the effectiveness rating will open a dialog box displaying all the mice inhabiting your current location. Each mouse will display its difficulty rating, as well as a visual bar representing its difficulty rating. The difficulty ratings of specific mice are determined by your current trap's ability to catch that mouse, should you attract it.
Try changing your trap setup and opening the effectiveness dialog to see what traps work best against the particular mouse, or mice, you're looking to catch!

- We corrected an error making Champion mice incorrectly weak to tactical
- Nibbler mice have been added to a few more locations
- Cyclops mice can now be encountered in the Lagoon
- Mouse groups and location stats are now sorted roughly by title requirement
- Mice stats on profile tab are now sorted from strongest to weakest mouse
- We increased the length of items on the HUD to accommodate Gauntlet Cheese
- Event mice are no longer included in group/regional totals
- We renamed "Swarm of Pigmy Mice" to "Swarm of Pygmy Mice"

By now, anyone who knows how to access to the Seasonal Garden?
The simple thing is to get Zugzwang's Scarf from Dragon mouse in Dracano of Tribal Isles region which can be obtained from the Dragon's Chest. Beside the Dragon's Chest, it also drops Magic Feather, Heat Bath Blueprints, Seashells, Delicious Stones, Savoury Vegetables, Pinch of Annoyance, Bottled-Up Rage, Raisins of Wrath, Inferno Peppers, Fire Salt, Coconut Milk and Vanilla Beans.
So what are you waiting for? Catch a Dragon mouse now...
All mice in the Seasonal Garden are the Seasonal Soldiers group. They have a weakness to Tactical weapons, as well as another power type depending of their season.
Zugzwang's First Move & Heat Bath

It is not sold by any Trapsmith and is thus non-refundable. It can only be crafted given the proper ingredients.
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