A quotes from Dave Vanderburg:
As many hunters are already aware, a new location is now open! The Valour region is home to the King's Gauntlet, the King's challenge to MouseHunters everywhere! If you've been away, or are looking for a few more details about this new, exciting area, read on, hunter!
To access the Gauntlet, you will need to purchase floor plans from the Cartographer in the Harbour. Before the Cartographer will sell you the plans, you will have to prove your dedication to the King by capturing a Master Burglar and recovering a Crown Jewel. The Master Burglar can be hunted in the Town of Gnawnia or the Burroughs Bazaar by using SUPERbrie+ or Gilded cheese. Gilded cheese can be looted from normal Burglar mice scattered throughout the world.
The King’s Gauntlet works on a tier system, where Hunters advance to the next floor by hunting with cheese that they collect on the current floor. The King is paying close attention to which hunters amass the most potions before opening the next floor. By order of the King, the potions you collect cannot be used until specified dates. The poster below outlines when each floor of the Gauntlet will open.
Now, the entire Kingdom is wondering: Who will collect the most potions, and be the first to catch the mysterious Eclipse mouse? The King is offering a 300,000 gold reward for the Eclipse Mouse’s capture, and that Hunter could be you!
The construction of King's Gauntlet & King's Stockade.
Then how to start accessing to King's Gauntlet in Valour region. First of all to catch Master Burglar mouse which are available in Town of Gnawnia and Bazaar. The main bait preference for Master Burglar mouse are SuperBrie+ and Gilded cheese. Once Master Burglar mouse is caught, it drops a loot of brie cheese, Crown Jewel and Satchel of Gold (1,000 gold).Then travel to Harbour store to find a cartographer to buy King's Gauntlet Floorplan with a cost of 50,000 gold. The Floorplan will be ready within one hour while hunting mice in Harbour. Once the Floorplan is completed, the map of King's Gauntlet has been updated.
Then, proceed to a new world of King's Gauntlet in Valour region which requires a minimum rank of Apprentice. Mice in this location may steal points, gold or multiple pieces of cheese if not captured.
The toy mice of Tier One on the first floor:
On the 15th June 2010, a thief mice on the second floor has been released.
Tier two mice of the King's Gauntlet are now released. The King will now allow hunters to use their Tier Two Gauntlet Potions to produce the cheese required to hunt the next tier of mice!
The thieving mice on the second floor of the King's Gauntlet can't keep their hands off Tier Two Gauntlet Cheese. To keep the little pickpockets from getting away with too much of your cheese, use a physical trap to stop them in their tracks.
Tier Two now makes the following mice available:

On the 22nd June 2010, a melee mice on the third floor has been released.A quotes from Dave Vanderburg:
Tier three mice of the King's Gauntlet are now released! The King will now allow hunters to use their Tier Three
Gauntlet Potions to produce the cheese required to hunt the next tier of mice!
When you equip Tier Three Gauntlet Cheese, you can expect the sword fighting mice on the third floor of the King's Gauntlet to slash their way through just about anything to try and get it. To counteract their amazing swordsmanship, make sure to use a tactical trap.
Tier three now makes the following mice available:
On the 29th June 2010, a bard mice on the fourth floor has been released.
Tier four mice of the King's Gauntlet are now released! The King will now allow hunters to use their Tier Four
Gauntlet Potions to produce the cheese required to hunt the next tier of mice!
The music-making mice on the fourth tier of the King's Gauntlet rely on this cheese blend to make their taste buds sing. Bards can be quite wily, so using a strong tactical trap will help the aspiring hunter stay on-key.
Tier four now makes the following mice available:

Tier five mice of the King's Gauntlet are now released! The King will now allow hunters to use their Tier Five
Gauntlet Potions to produce the cheese required to hunt the next tier of mice!
Tier five is where the mice of the Gauntlet begin to garner a greater reward for their capture. Each tier draws hunters close to the Eclipse Mouse and the 300,000 gold reward for its capture, use shadow trap.
Tier five now makes the following mice available:

Tier six mice of the King's Gauntlet are now released! The King will now allow hunters to use their Tier Six
Gauntlet Potions to produce the cheese required to hunt the next tier of mice!
Tier six mice are quite valuable! Paladin mice are worth more than 25,000 points while White Mage and Sacred Shrine mice are worth 9,000 gold each, use arcane trap.
Tier six now makes the following mice available:

Tier seven mice of the King's Gauntlet are now released! The King will now allow hunters to use their Tier Seven Gauntlet Potions to produce the cheese required to hunt the next tier of mice!
Tier seven mice are extremely valuable! Fiend mice are 50,000 gold and 72,000 points per catch, use hydro trap.
Tier seven now makes the following mice available:

The eight and final tier of the King's Gauntlet is now released! The Eclipse mouse awaits hunters who have managed to hunt their way through all the tiers of the gauntlet to acquire the extraordinarily rare Gauntlet Potion Tier 8.
The Eclipse is an extremely powerful mouse and only has one notable weakness. Although, it is possible to capture the Eclipse using any power type, discovering its true weakness will make for an almost guaranteed catch.
Congratulations to any hunters that has made it this far - You have proven to be well equipped with a variety of traps and a sense of patience that is vital to any successful hunter. The journey to the top of the King's Gauntlet has been a long one, needing equipment gathered from across the entire map. Capturing an Eclipse is a sign of a seasoned hunter, who has mastered nearly every region within the game.
Once again, a big congratulations to those have made it this far, and good luck against the mysterious Eclipse Mouse!
Trap setup: Forgotten trap

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