Charms are a magical trap component that add unique stat bonuses to your trap and are consumed as you hunt. Visit his Charm Shoppe in the Mountains to learn more.
Crate of Ultimate Luck Charms

Redeem your Ronza Voucher from the 2010 Great Winter Hunt for this crate of Moustachio's Ultimate Lucky Trap Charms! In order to use the charms, you'll first need to visit Moustachio's Charm Shoppe in the Gnawnia Mountains to purchase a new piece of equipment that allows your trap to use charms. Your trap will have a +20 luck bonus while having an Ultimate Luck Charm armed, but one will be used each time you encounter a mouse. Use them wisely hunters!
Pneumatic Tube Trap
This physical trap has an impressive 18 luck as well as a whopping 20% power bonus! The Pneumatic Tube Trap makes a great trap for newer hunters looking to increase their loot drops while catching more mice! Make sure to keep arms and legs clear while the vacuum tube is active!
Rewers Riposte
A very impressive tactical trap featuring droids trained by one of the Kingdom's most devoted hunters. Purchase this trap to enjoy an impressive 25 luck, which is sure to come in handy in Furoma, Whisker Woods, Nerg Plains and more!
Arcane Blast Trap
The Arcane Blast Trap is the first ever limited-edition arcane weapon and has the highest luck bonus of any arcane weapon. This mysterious trap uses concentrated energy to blast mice to another realm.
Bacon Base
This polycarbonate slab is cleverly painted to have the look of bacon! Its inciting design gives the base a high attraction bonus of 15% making it a great base for the beginning MouseHunter.
Seasonal Base
Carved from the magical soil of Zugzwang's Seasonal Garden, this base features an impressive 6 luck and 8% attraction bonus. The Seasonal Base also has a unique camouflage property that gives it an additional 18% power bonus within the Seasonal Garden, a handy property for Lord and Lady MouseHunters seeking to capture a Chess Master Mouse.
Runic Base
For your everyday hunting needs, the Runic Base has 5 luck and a high power bonus of 12%. However, perhaps its most useful property is that it begins to glow while in Bristle Woods. The glowing runic symbols increase both the chances of a mouse dropping Runes, as well as adding a small chance of receiving an extra Rune.
Tiki Base Blueprints
These are very special blueprints, drawn by Ronza herself. She plans to frequently sell them when she visits, and the King has agreed to allow the blueprints to be exchanged in the marketplace both during and after Ronza's visit. Due to the limited supply she makes for each visit, Ronza will not sell the blueprints to any hunter who already owns 5 copies. The blueprints outline how to upgrade the Tribal Base into a Tiki Base, which has a +6 luck bonus when hunting in Cape Clawed, Elub Shore, Nerg Plains and Derr Dunes.
Rockstar Mice Aboard Ronza's Ship
Rockstar mice are partying aboard Ronza's Ship! Their bait preference is Rockforth, a flavour of cheese packed with rock n' roll spirit! Ronza usually has a few crates of Rockforth Cheese in her cargo holds, however, it is frequently raided by the mice while she is distracted during her landing procedures. By hunting the mice on her ship, you'll be able to find some Rockforth Cheese to hunt for a Rockstar.

Shrink Ray Trap
A new trap for begining MouseHunters is now available for both purchase and from the King's Prize Shoppe. The Shrink Ray Trap has 1,000 power, no point requirement and shrinks mice to miniature in second flat!
Meet Moustachio the Charmer!
Ronza finally left from Gnawnia on 19th January 2011.
Ronza's Traveling Shoppe are now open!!!
Ronza found more than Moustachio in her travels, with her she has also brought a stock of rare and unique items to sell to the hunters of Gnawnia. Ronza will be here for only one week and many of her items will never be sold again, so make sure to stop by her shop to browse.
Ronza found more than Moustachio in her travels, with her she has also brought a stock of rare and unique items to sell to the hunters of Gnawnia. Ronza will be here for only one week and many of her items will never be sold again, so make sure to stop by her shop to browse.
In an effort to have as many hunters at the ready as possible, the King now allows hunters to purchase traps before they meet the point requirement, however, you WILL NOT be able to arm the trap until you have reached the required points. Keep this in mind while browsing Ronza's Shoppe.
Crate of Ultimate Luck Charms

This physical trap has an impressive 18 luck as well as a whopping 20% power bonus! The Pneumatic Tube Trap makes a great trap for newer hunters looking to increase their loot drops while catching more mice! Make sure to keep arms and legs clear while the vacuum tube is active!

A very impressive tactical trap featuring droids trained by one of the Kingdom's most devoted hunters. Purchase this trap to enjoy an impressive 25 luck, which is sure to come in handy in Furoma, Whisker Woods, Nerg Plains and more!

The Arcane Blast Trap is the first ever limited-edition arcane weapon and has the highest luck bonus of any arcane weapon. This mysterious trap uses concentrated energy to blast mice to another realm.

This polycarbonate slab is cleverly painted to have the look of bacon! Its inciting design gives the base a high attraction bonus of 15% making it a great base for the beginning MouseHunter.

Carved from the magical soil of Zugzwang's Seasonal Garden, this base features an impressive 6 luck and 8% attraction bonus. The Seasonal Base also has a unique camouflage property that gives it an additional 18% power bonus within the Seasonal Garden, a handy property for Lord and Lady MouseHunters seeking to capture a Chess Master Mouse.

For your everyday hunting needs, the Runic Base has 5 luck and a high power bonus of 12%. However, perhaps its most useful property is that it begins to glow while in Bristle Woods. The glowing runic symbols increase both the chances of a mouse dropping Runes, as well as adding a small chance of receiving an extra Rune.

These are very special blueprints, drawn by Ronza herself. She plans to frequently sell them when she visits, and the King has agreed to allow the blueprints to be exchanged in the marketplace both during and after Ronza's visit. Due to the limited supply she makes for each visit, Ronza will not sell the blueprints to any hunter who already owns 5 copies. The blueprints outline how to upgrade the Tribal Base into a Tiki Base, which has a +6 luck bonus when hunting in Cape Clawed, Elub Shore, Nerg Plains and Derr Dunes.

Rockstar mice are partying aboard Ronza's Ship! Their bait preference is Rockforth, a flavour of cheese packed with rock n' roll spirit! Ronza usually has a few crates of Rockforth Cheese in her cargo holds, however, it is frequently raided by the mice while she is distracted during her landing procedures. By hunting the mice on her ship, you'll be able to find some Rockforth Cheese to hunt for a Rockstar.

A new trap for begining MouseHunters is now available for both purchase and from the King's Prize Shoppe. The Shrink Ray Trap has 1,000 power, no point requirement and shrinks mice to miniature in second flat!

As a young trapsmith, Moustachio was a trusted friend of the King. Upon retiring from the trapsmith profession, Moustachio went on a journey to research a new type of trap component he called "Charms". Moustachio has successfully completed his research and has returned to Gnawnia where he now resides in the Mountains and sells these new trap charms.
Visit Moustachio's Charm Shoppe in the Mountains and purchase a Pine Charm Conduit to add to your trap. Upon purchasing the conduit, it will be added to your trap and you are now capable of using charms! Moustachio is currently selling a few basic charms that can increase the power, attraction and luck of your trap. Charms are consumed as you hunt. Pay attention to the "consumed upon" stat of each charm to know exactly when it will be used.
There is much more to charms than what is currently available! In time, Moustachio may share the secret of how to craft your own charms that have unique abilities. Ronza finally left from Gnawnia on 19th January 2011.