Charmbits are a strange combination of science and magic. They are impossibly small particles that hold the magical effect each charm has. The amount of Charmbits needed to craft a charm vary depending on what specific charm you are making. Moustachio sells Charmbits at his shoppe in the Mountain for 25 gold each.
Orbs are made from special glass and act as a container for Charmbits. There are four different grades of Orb, which are: Flawed, Simple, Flawless and Divine. More powerful charms require a higher grade of Orb. Mice have stolen Moustachio's supply of orbs, so if you're looking to find some you'll have to hunt specific breeds. Orbs are somewhat scarce and can be hard to find, however, they are tradable on the Marketplace.
Types of Orbs
It's important to remember that all orbs are tradable on the marketplace. If you find orbs you don't need, consider selling them on the marketplace for some extra gold. If you need a lot of orbs, visit the marketplace to buy some from other players.
Flawed Orb

The lowest grade of orb - used in crafting rudimentary, low-power charms.
Dropped by a few of the mice indigenous to the Gnawnia region.
Simple Orb
Made of regular glass - used in crafting medium-strength charms.
Dropped by a variety of mice in several locations.
Flawless Orb
Made of quality glass - used in crafting high-strength charms.
Dropped by a few mice in the Kingdom.
Divine Orb
Made of enchanted crystal - used in crafting the most powerful charms.Hard to find, dropped by strong or rare mice.
The type of Orb needed depends on the type of charm being crafted. In general, more powerful charms require a higher grade of orb while less powerful charms require a lower grade of orb. Some orbs are hard to find, so remember to check marketplace frequently to see if other hunters are selling any.
New Discovered Charms
All seven of these new charms are tradable on the marketplace.
Rotten Charm
Made from rotten pieces of dried up cheese, this charm's funky odour adds power to your trap by causing a mouse to become slightly queasy right as they attempt to steal your bait. This powerful stench is also known to penetrate bait, increasing the chance of it turning stale.
Super Rotten Charm
Imbued with rock-hard Stale SUPER|brie+, this charm emits a powerful stench that puts a mouse into a severely disorientated state. The intense odour also increases the chance of your bait turning stale should you fail to attract a mouse.
Prospector's Charm
With a center of hard meteorite, this mining charm provides +200 power and a 1% power bonus to your trap. When used in the Mountain, this charm's prospecting ability attracts more Gold and Diamond mice. When used alongside SUPER|brie+ in the Mountain, these charms also increase the attraction of Silvertail mice.
Antiskele Charm
This charm is packed with concentrated Radioactive Sludge, which is highly corrosive to bone. Skeleton Mice in the Catacombs fear these charms and will stay clear of your trap while you have one armed.
Scientist's Charm
Powered by small fragments of Living Shard, this technologically advanced charm is scientifically engineered to increase both the chance of mice dropping Radioactive Blue Potions, as well as the quantity dropped while hunting in the Burroughs' Laboratory.
Empowered Anchor Charm
This charm is created by bonding Charmbits with Scrap Metal to forge a mighty anchor that increases the stability of a trap's weapon, providing a significant power bonus. The anchor also prevents being washed out of Balack's Cove when capturing a Riptide Mouse.
Dragonbane Charm
This charm acts as a hidden surprise to any Dragon Mice bold enough to come near your trap. When activated, the charm bursts out a jarring cold blast of air, strong enough to disable the Dragon's molten breath, making the Dragon easier to catch. This charm is only consumed when a Dragon Mouse is encountered.
Do visit the Marketplace to see what orbs and charms other hunters are selling!